GATE Admit Card 2018 - IIT Guwahati has issued GATE
2018 admit card on January 4, a day earlier than the scheduled date of
January 5. The GATE admit card 2018 is available online only for those
candidates who have registered themselves for the examination. To
download GATE 2018 admit card, candidates have to enter their GATE
enrollment ID or email ID along with the password through GOAPS. GATE
admit card 2018 is an important document and must be carried to the exam
centre to appear for the examination. GATE will be conducted on February 3, 4, 10 and 11, 2018 for 23 papers.
Along with the admit card of GATE 2018, candidates must remember to carry a photo identification proof they have mentioned in their application form. Before downloading the admit card, the candidates will have to ensure that all of the information provided in the GATE 2018 admit card is correct. Candidates must remember that the admit card will be required during M.Tech admissions or PSU recruitment. It is advisable for them to keep it safe till the admission is over. Candidates can get complete information in this article about GATE admit card including the process to download it, availability dates, and particulars of admit card, etc.
Important Dates related to GATE Admit Card 2018
GATE admit card window looks like the image given below:

The candidates should ensure the following points before printing out the GATE 2018 admit card:
It is essential for all the candidates to carry their photo identification along with the GATE 2018 admit card while reporting at the examination centre. It is advised that the candidates carry only those Photo ID that was mentioned while filling the online GATE 2018 application form. Only the original Photo ID will be accepted. If the candidates forget to carry the required documents, then he/she will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
List of permissible Photo IDs for Indian candidates:
The candidates can follow the given steps to check their enrollment ID and password in case he/she has forgotten it:
Forgot Password?
Along with the admit card of GATE 2018, candidates must remember to carry a photo identification proof they have mentioned in their application form. Before downloading the admit card, the candidates will have to ensure that all of the information provided in the GATE 2018 admit card is correct. Candidates must remember that the admit card will be required during M.Tech admissions or PSU recruitment. It is advisable for them to keep it safe till the admission is over. Candidates can get complete information in this article about GATE admit card including the process to download it, availability dates, and particulars of admit card, etc.
Important Dates related to GATE Admit Card 2018
Events | Dates |
Release of GATE 2018 Admit Card | January 4, 2018 (Released) |
Last date to download the admit card | February 11, 2018 |
GATE 2018 Examination | February 3, 4, 10 and 11, 2018 |
GATE Result Announcement | March 17, 2018 |
Latest: To Download GATE Admit Card / Hall Ticket 2018 - Click here
How to Download GATE Admit Card 2018
- Use the given link to download GATE 2018 Admit Card / hall ticket
- Enter the GATE 2018 enrollment ID or registered email ID, password and captcha.
- Click “Submit” button
- The download link of admit card of GATE 2018 will displayed on the screen.
- Using the link, download and save the GATE admit card.
- Check the details in the admit card before printing it out.
- If all details are correct, print the GATE hall ticket/admit card in colour in A4 size paper.
GATE admit card window looks like the image given below:

Things to note before printing the GATE Admit Card 2018
The candidates should ensure the following points before printing out the GATE 2018 admit card:
- Candidates must check if the details given in the admit card are legible and clear or not.
- The photograph of the candidate must be clear in the document.
- Similarly, the signature of the candidate should also be clear and legible. The signature should also match the one which will be used in the examination centre.
- The registration number of GATE 2018 must be mentioned clearly in the document.
Preparing for GATE? Why don't you prepare with us? Subscribe our Youtube Channel for Solved GATE Problems:
What Details mentioned in the GATE 2018 Admit Card
- Date of exam
- Time of Exam
- Registration No of Candidate
- Name of Candidate
- GATE paper appearing for
- Exam Centre Address in detail
- Photograph of candidates
- Signature of candidate
- Instructions for candidates
Which Photo Identification should be carried along with GATE Admit Card 2018?
It is essential for all the candidates to carry their photo identification along with the GATE 2018 admit card while reporting at the examination centre. It is advised that the candidates carry only those Photo ID that was mentioned while filling the online GATE 2018 application form. Only the original Photo ID will be accepted. If the candidates forget to carry the required documents, then he/she will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
List of permissible Photo IDs for Indian candidates:
- Passport
- Aadhaar Card
- Voter ID
- PAN Card
- Employee Identification
- Valid College ID
- Driving License
- Valid Passport
- Valid Government issued ID/Employee ID/College ID
Steps to Retrieve GATE 2018 Enrollment ID and Password:
The candidates can follow the given steps to check their enrollment ID and password in case he/she has forgotten it:
Forgot Password?
- Click on “Request for OTP”. The OTP will be sent to the candidate’s registered mobile number.
- The OTP has to be submitted after which the candidates will be able to reset their password.
- Click on “Forgot Enrollment ID”
- The candidates will have to enter their registered mobile number.
- The Enrollment ID will be sent to the registered mobile number and email ID of the candidate.
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