Exam Pattern of CSIR-UGC NET:
CSIR-UGC NET consists of only one Objective type (MCQ) paper which has
three parts: Part-A, Part-B, Part-C. The total marks in the exam is 200
marks which needs to be answered in 3 hours.
Part-A is common to all, while Part-B & C is subject specific. Let us first discuss about the pattern of this common Part and than go individually for the exam pattern of each CSIR NET subjects.
Format of CSIR NET Part-A (General Aptitude):
There are 20 questions in the paper, out of which you have to answer any
15. Each question weighs 2 mark - thus there are 30 marks in Part-A
(General Aptitude) of CSIR NET.
Syllabus: General Science, Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis and Research Aptitude.
Having discussed about the pattern of the common test section (i.e. General Aptitude), let us go for the subject-specific test sections below. In the tables for CSIR NET Exam Pattern given below, following acronyms have been used:
TQ: Total Question.
AQ: Attempt Question.
MPQ: Mark Per Question.
TM: Total Mark.
Syllabus: General Science, Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis and Research Aptitude.
Having discussed about the pattern of the common test section (i.e. General Aptitude), let us go for the subject-specific test sections below. In the tables for CSIR NET Exam Pattern given below, following acronyms have been used:
TQ: Total Question.
AQ: Attempt Question.
MPQ: Mark Per Question.
TM: Total Mark.
To know more about the Exam pattern for Chemical Sciences, click here.
Negative marking: @25% for each wrong answer.
CSIR NET Exam pattern for Earth Sciences:
To know more about the Exam pattern for Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean And Planetary Sciences, click here.
Negative marking: For Part 'A' and Part 'B' is @25% for each wrong answer. For Part 'C' negative marking is @33% .
Negative marking: For Part 'A' and Part 'B' is @25% for each wrong answer. For Part 'C' negative marking is @33% .
To know more about the Exam pattern for Life Sciences, click here.
Negative marking: @25% for each wrong answer
Negative marking: @25% for each wrong answer
CSIR NET Exam pattern for Mathematical Sciences:
To know more about the Exam pattern for Mathematical Sciences, click here.
Negative marking: For Part 'A' and 'B' @25% for each wrong answer. No negative marking for Part 'C'.
CSIR NET Exam pattern for Physical Sciences:

Negative marking: @25% for each wrong answer
Click here to download the syllabus of CSIR NET Physical Sciences
Hope above Exam Pattern/Question Pattern of CSIR-UGC NET helps you get
some idea about the exam.
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